FluoroMax Steady State and Lifetime Bench-top Spectrofluorometer The FluoroMax® series represents Horiba’s industry-leading fluorometer performance in a convenient, affordable, easy-to-use benchtop model. It’s a compact spectrofluorometer, yet offers the ultimate...
XploRA Nano AFM-Raman for Physical and Chemical imaging Fully integrated system based on SmartSPM state of the art scanning probe microscope and XploRA Raman micro-spectrometer. Compact, fully automated and easy-to-use, the XploRA Nano concentrates the power of...
SPRi-Lab+TM Lab Based SPRi. Designed to meet the demands of biologists and research scientists alike, the SPRi-Lab+TM is a compact surface plasmon imaging system with an accessible platform. Experiments can be designed from the ground up, with surface chemistry...
Forensic Light Sources CrimeScope CS-16-400 The CS-16-400 is as bright as the xenon 500W, containing 22 Wavelengths covering the UV – VIS – IR, it utilizes a 400W Metal Halide source providing exceptional power and reliability. This unit is ideal for...
Spectroscopic Ellipsometers UVISEL – Spectroscopic Ellipsometer from FUV to NIR The UVISEL Spectroscopic Phase Modulated Ellipsometer (SPME) is a unique instrument that incorporates photoelastic device to modulate the polarization without any mechanical...