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HORIBA offers the highest quality spectrometers,  monochromators  and  spectrographs

Horiba offers instruments from short focal length, high throughput spectrographs to long focal length, high resolution monochromators. HORIBA has a wide variety of choices for many different applications. Used in combination with HORIBA’s high quality detectors and optical accessories, we can configure custom spectroscopic solutions to meet any experimental requirements.

MicroHR Series

Short Focal Length Imaging Spectrometers

140 mm focal length high performance and versatile imaging spectrometer

Available as an imaging spectrograph or a scanning monochromator, HORIBA’s MicroHR spectrometer offers excellent flexibility and performance in a small and affordable package. These spectrometers benefit from the highest quality of gratings, also designed and manufactured by HORIBA. A rugged, high throughput optical system, the MicroHR is an ideal, affordable tool for a wide range of spectroscopic applications.


High Sensitivity Imaging Spectrograph

Compact, affordable imaging spectrograph with deep-cooled scientific CCD

HORIBA Scientific’s new Lumetta™ brings high performance to the rapid compact spectrometer market. It offers the highest throughput or signal gathering capacity in this class, employing a tall sensor and an F/2 design. With a scientific grade one CCD that is cooled to -50 oC, it offers a sensitivity to rival more expensive high-end benchtop systems. And being an imaging spectrograph, it enables advanced techniques such as multitrack spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging – all at a very affordable price.

The new FHR 640 and FHR FHR Spectrometer: FHR 640 & FHR 1000

1000 spectrometers offer a unique combination of drive speed, precision and high resolution, completely revolutionizing the large spectrometer market. The latest modifications in FHR technology are based on over ten years of testing by industrial and analytical systems specialists at HORIBA Scientific.

Designed for researchers who require high accuracy with immediate results, the versatility of the FHR allows for utilization over a wide spectral range, extending from the UV to the IR. The instrument’s cast body design accounts for temperature induced stress and expansion, preventing any significant wavelength shifts or signal loss and allowing for optimal performance.

The direct grating drive features a grating speed of greater than 300 nm/second, offering users significantly reduced experiment times. Equipped with a fully automated wavelength drive and automated slits, the FHR is available in multiple monochromator and spectrograph configurations, offering a dual field at the exit for array detectors and compatibility with HORIBA Scientific’s full line of accessories. Superior in design, the FHR is the ideal long focal length spectrometer for performing fast acquisitions with high quality results.

iHR550 and 320

Mid-Focal Length Imaging Spectrometers

The iHR Series of 320 mm and 550 mm focal length high performance and versatile imaging spectrometers are HORIBA’s most popular and iconic spectrometers. The iHR series is built on decades of experience in spectroscopy and represents the highest quality, performance and versatility of any spectrometers in this class. The iHR 320 and iHR 550 spectrometers are immediately recognizable around the world by their unique shape, the result of a superior optical design. These spectrometers benefit from the highest quality of gratings, also designed and manufactured by HORIBA. The iHR series is ideal for applications such as:

  • Raman
  • Fluorescence
  • Photoluminescecne
  • Absorbance / Transmission / Reflectance / Emission Analysis

Gemini 180

Double Monochromator

The Gemini 180 is a fully automated, double additive grating scanning monochromator. The incorporation of toroidal optics provides for optimum throughput and spectral resolution. The Gemini 180 functions as a high power, high purity light source for Fluorescence, detector characterization, and microscope illumination when coupled with one of our Xe Light Sources. It is ideal for applications that require low stray light such as:

  • Transmission
  • Absorbance
  • Reflectance
  • Fluorescence

1000M, Series II: High Resolution Research Spectrometer

With a 1000 mm focal length, this spectrometer is ideal for applications when extremely low stray light levels are required, such as in Raman fluorescence excitation or when ultra high resolution is needed for emission structure analysis. A large mechanical range allows high density gratings to be utilized at a longer wavelength for maximum resolution potential – a 1200 g/mm grating can be scanned to 1500 nm, with .008 nm resolution.

The M Series has long been a proven family of research-grade spectrometers, offering a degree of system automation and versatility not found in any comparable focal length spectrometer. The new Series II product line provides the reliability and unchallenged resolution that has come to be associated with M Series spectrometers, with improved features including high speed USB 2.0 compatibility, complete library of interchangeable gratings, and compatibility with HORIBA Scientific’s Synapse™ CCDs, full line of single channel detectors, PMTs and accessories.

1250M Research Spectrometer

Fitted with extra-large mirrors, the 1250M offers the ultimate in resolution without sacrificing throughput. It has unmatched specifications, at an affordable price, with the addition of automated features common to the M Series Spectrometers. This combination makes the 1250M unique among high resolution spectrometers. It is, of course, compatible with all HORIBA Jobin Yvon controllers, from the RS232 interface to SynerJY Software which provides complete automation of your experiment. 
The 1250M is the spectrometer of choice for highest resolution spectroscopy whether your samples are gases, semiconductors, lasers or something else

Triax Series

Short Focal Length Triple Grating Imaging Spectrographs

The TRIAX series use special corrective optics that maintain an excellent image quality and resolution along   the length of the slit as well as along the dispersion axis in the exit focal plane. Thus, a point source on the entrance slit is re-imaged as a point for every occurrence of its wavelength in the focal plane. This makes TRIAX instruments the ideal spectrographs for a wide application range of high resolution multichannel spectroscopy such as:

  • UV-NIR Absorption
  • Laser characterization
  • Fluorescence
  • Atmospheric studies
  • Source characterization