ALVTechnologies Philippines Incorporated is proud to support the 3rd Philippines-Japan Terahertz Workshop on July 16 to 17, 2023 at the Intel Center for Science Innovation, UP Diliman (UPD) National Institute of Physics (NIP).

This is organized by the Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region of the University of Fukui, Molecular Photoscience Research Center of Kobe University, Institute of Post-LED Photonics of Tokushima University, NIP, De La Salle University College of Science, and UP Los BaƱos Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics.
Visit the following link for more information on the 3rd Philippines-Japan Terahertz Workshop 2023: http://fir.u-fukui.ac.jp/thzlab/PJTW2023/Index.html.
See you at the Workshop!