While performing their job in an area where radioactive material are used, workers might get some contamination on their hand or foot. Hand & foot monitors provide a fast and reliable check prior to entering or exiting the working area.

Sirius-5 monitor provides thorough and reliable detection of external contamination on the hands and feet of personnel working in nuclear environments. Depending on your monitoring needs, Sirius monitors are designed to use either plastic scintillator (TPS) gasless detectors or patented* gas flow proportional detectors (LFP-579).
With the Mirion WebRemote software, an easy-to-use touch screen graphical user interface for industrial PC-based operation results in improved health physics programs, better tracking of contamination and faster, more thorough personnel throughput at boundary points.
Excellent detector protection, modularity of components, and extensive diagnostics result in direct reductions in maintenance, repair, and operation costs.