Modu-Laser’s All-In-One “Stellar” series argon lasers not only offer smaller package sizes and smaller footprints than typical argon laser systems, they provide a very cost-effective argon laser solution for a wide variety of applications.

Argon Laser: Stellar-Pro
With its hard-sealed laser tube and state-of-the-art power supply both combined into a single package, the Stellar-Pro laser offers the smallest footprint available in its class.
The high output power to size ratio, coupled with exceptional performance, makes the Stellar-Pro ideal for many applications.
Standard Argon Laser Models:
- Stellar-Pro 457/10
- Stellar-Pro 488/50
- Stellar-Pro 514/50
- Stellar-Pro ML/150
- Stellar-Pro-L 457/20
- Stellar-Pro-L 488/100
- Stellar-Pro-L 514/100
- Stellar-Pro-L ML/300
- Stellar-Pro-L ML/1000
- Stellar-Pro-Select 150 (With Filter Wavelength Selection)
- Stellar-Pro-L-Select 300 (With Filter Wavelength Selection)

Argon Laser: Stellar-RMN
With its hard-sealed lased tube and state-of-the-art power supply both combined into a single package, the Stellar-RMN 488/50 laser offers the smallest footprint available in its class.
The Stellar-RMN 488/50, which incorporates the E-Cool-S Remote Cooling Option to eliminate fan vibration noise from the laser beam, is configured specifically for use within Raman spectroscopy and microscopy applications.
Standard Argon Laser Models:
- Stellar-RMN 488/50
- Stellar-RMN 514/50
- Stellar-RMN ML/150