ORTEC supports academic teaching laboratories across a wide range of disciplines: Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Radio-pharmacy. Specifically, ORTEC offers packaged experiments with accompanying scripts, which include tutorial information, experimental set-up instructions, methods and student exercises.

AN34 Teaching Experiments
The ORTEC AN34 Laboratory Manual offers a wide selection of pre-scripted teaching laboratory experiments for use in nuclear science undergraduate laboratories.

Two editions of experiments are offered. Third Edition experiments are based on the use of classic NIM modules. Newly developed Fourth Edition experiments combine both classic NIMs and new offerings including integrated and digital electronic products. The new “EASY-NIM” product suite is featured extensively in the AN34 Fourth Edition.

Experiment Equipment
The broad ORTEC range of nuclear instrumentation relating to radiation detection and spectroscopy includes: Radiation Detectors, Modular (NIM) Signal Processing Modules for pulse counting and fast timing, as well as modules and Digital Electronics for generalized Multichannel Analysis.

This modularity provides a cost-effective, re-configurable approach to teaching experiment instrumentation. For example, several experiments in the AN34 Laboratory Manual may be configured with little or no addition to the basic equipment: simply reconfigure what you already have!

Third Edition Experiments

Third edition experiments are based on the use of NIM modules while the fourth edition experiments provide an alternative through the use of the more recent products, integrated and often digital electronics products. Our all new “EASY-NIM” products feature extensively in AN34 Fourth Edition.

The experiments listed here include some of the experiments from the AN34 Laboratory Manual. Additional experiments have been added and more will be added as they become available.

It is recommended that the references (located under the “Library” link to the left) be included with these experiments.

Please contact the factory if you need assistance, or need to purchase the latest equipment available for any specific experiment.

Experiment 1 Introduction to Electronic Signal Analysis in Nuclear Radiation Measurements
Experiment 2 Geiger Counting
Experiment 3 Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Using NaI(Tl)
Experiment 4 Alpha Spectroscopy with Silicon Charged Particle Detectors
Experiment 5 Energy Loss with Heavy Charged Particles (Alphas)
Experiment 6 Beta Spectroscopy
Experiment 7 High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
Experiment 9 Time Coincidence Techniques and Absolute Activity Measurements
Experiment 10 Compton Scattering
Experiment 11 The Proportional Counter and Low-Energy X-Ray Measurements
Experiment 13
Gamma-Gamma Coincidence with Angular Correlation
Experiment 14 Nuclear Lifetimes and the Coincidence Method
Experiment 15 Rutherford Scattering of Alphas from Thin Gold Foil and Other Optional Metal Foils
Experiment 19
Gamma-Ray Decay Scheme and Angular Correlation for 60Co
Experiment 20
A Study of the Decay Scheme of 244Cm by an Alpha and X-Ray Coincidence Experiment
Experiment 24 Measurements in Health Physics
Experiment 25 Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy
Experiment 26 Fission Fragment Energy Loss Measurements from 252Cf
Experiment 27 Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectrometry

Fourth Edition Experiments

Third edition experiments are based on the use of NIM modules while the fourth edition experiments provide an alternative through the use of the more recent products, integrated and often digital electronics products. Our all new “EASY-NIM” products feature extensively in AN34 Fourth Edition.

It is recommended that the references (located under the “Library” link to the left) be included with these experiments.

Please contact the factory if you need assistance, or need to purchase the latest equipment available for any specific experiment.

Experiment 1 Introduction to Electronic Signal Analysis in Nuclear Radiation Measurements
Experiment 2 Geiger Counting
Experiment 3 Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Using NaI(Tl)
Experiment 4 Alpha Spectroscopy with Silicon Charged Particle Detectors
Experiment 7 High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
Experiment 10 Compton Scattering