Potentiostat Perfect for cyclic voltammetry and electroanalytical chemistry, this fully software-controlled potentiostat can use two (working and counter), or three (working, auxiliary and reference) electrodes. It can also operate as a ZRA and a galvanostat. The eDAQ Potentiostat draws DC power from the e-corder unit and can be used inside Faraday cages. Ideal for teaching or research use.
Picostat The Picostat is a fully software-controlled high-sensitivity potentiostat suitable for use with two (working and counter), or three (working, auxiliary and reference) electrodes. The Picostat draws DC power from the e-corder unit and can be used inside Faraday cages. Ideal for use with microelectrodes (including carbon fibers for neurochemical experiments) and low current sensors. |
Quadstat The QuadStat is a software-controlled four-channel potentiostat. Each channel can be used as a single three-electrode potentiostat, or two (bipotentiostat), three, or four working electrodes can be used in a single reaction chamber with a common reference and auxiliary electrode. Potential at each working electrode can be independently adjusted between ±2.5 V, or by using an external waveform generator to between ±10 V. The QuadStat can measure currents from picoamperes to milliamps, making it ideal for amperometric sensor research. |
C4D Amp The C4D Amp is a high sensitivity capacitively-coupled contactless conductivity detector (C4D) for capilliary electrophoresis (CE) and ion chromatography (IC) systems, using PowerChrom system, or e-corder data acquistion systems. It is supplied with a suitable headstage, usually the ET120 C4D Head (for CE or IC), or optionally the ET121 C4D Microfluidic Platform for use with microfluidic channel chips. Excitation frequency and amplitude can be optimised by the user for maximum signal sensitivity. Suitable for use with e-corder or PowerChrom systems for data collection. |
EChem™ Software eDAQ EChem software runs on Windows or Macintosh computers for the collection, display and analysis of data from electroanalytical voltammetric experiments. EChem is used with a suitable potentiostat and an e-corder data recording system. The potentiostat should have an ‘external input’ and current and potential recorder outputs. Most analog potentiostats are suitable. EChem is also fully compatible with the eDAQ Potentiostat, the high sensitivity eDAQ Picostat and the four-channel eDAQ QuadStat. EChem uses the e-corder recording systems as the digital waveform generator, and data acquisition system. Thus even non-scanning potentiostats can be upgraded to the full range of EChem techniques. EChem version 2 has improved resolution (16 bit sampling, with 32 bit floating point averaging), and faster scan rates (to about 500 V/s) than earlier versions.
e-corder Pods e-corder Pods attach to the front panel Pod ports of the e-corder unit. They become an extension of he e-corder system and are fully controlled by software.
USB Pods USB Pods attach directly to a computer USB port or to a USB hub.